About Donna

Donna Austin, RN

You Deserve to Feel Great.

I’m Here to Help.


My Story

My career as a registered nurse and my personal health journey have allowed me to witness what happens when our wellness is out of balance I have worked as a nurse for over 20 years and witnessed the gaps in our health care system, as well as the increasing trend in chronic disease. Before beginning my own path to wellness, I thought I knew how to be healthy, and to prevent disease. I had hypothyroidism for a number of years, without any physical issues. I didn’t connect the dots at the time until years later when I started feeling bad with body aches, brain fog, anxiety, rashes, weakness and low energy. My life outside of work slowed down dramatically, I felt sick. It took a couple of different doctor visits to get the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s. You can imagine how I felt when it came full circle, and I was told I had an autoimmune disease. I discovered my gut health was one of the primary reasons for my health problems. My Hashimoto’s diagnosis spearheaded my journey to address the gaps and  triggers that were affecting the health of my body.  In addition, I didn’t have the support of a health coach to educate and teach me about my disease and how to heal my body. To feel “normal” I had to make changes in my lifestyle: starting with getting good rest, reducing my stress, nourishing my body to meet my nutritional needs, and most importantly to heal my gut.  In my journey I’ve learned we have the power to help prevent turning a gene on starting with a healthy gut to prevent illness before it begins.

I don’t want you to go through what I did. I want you to have clarity with what you need to do next and to give you a strong support system. You can take action now so you don’t have to struggle to find the answers to find your root cause to your problem or illness. I got my life back, and I am dancing again. Let me help you reclaim yours!