Your Gut Health

with donna austin

Good Food, Good Life

Good gut health has been linked to the health of just about every other organ in the body. By way of the gut microflora your digestive health influences your immune system, the development of chronic disease, and even mental and emotional health. Data shows the gut is critical to our well-being. Did you know 70% of the body’s immune cells lay in the digestive tract? In addition, the gut’s barrier is like a gatekeeper and determines what enters your body from the outside world. It determines what gets in and what gets out, helping to prevent any harmful molecules from getting through and connecting inappropriately with the immune system. When foreign invaders get in, the body launches an attack which results in inflammation and many symptoms like brain fog, memory loss, excessive fatigue, skin rashes, digestive issues and more.

The gut is also resident to trillions of bacteria that affect your health, either in a good or bad way. It all depends on the type and number of bacteria the gut hosts, commonly called gut microbiota, which is unique in every person. When referring to gut health, gut microbiota, and the way it responds to diet, stress, medication, and many other factors that can manipulate the metabolism. That is why treatment targets personalizing each person’s diet, and prioritizing gut health. You have the power to either feed or disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut.

So, taking care of your gut means taking care of the health of just about everything in your body, from your intestine to your immune system and mood. Contact me to discover how we can work together to address your gut.

“Everyday we live and every meal we eat we influence the great microbial inside us -for better or for worse”

Giula enders